CSFET-based Family Nurse Consultation Unit

The Noto Hanto Earthquake in 2024 #family support #supporting the supporters #mental health care Interim "Family Concerns Consultation Room" in Goto City

Hohashi Lab.

Division of Family Health Care Nursing,
Graduate School of Health Sciences, Kobe University

What is the Family Nurse Consultation Unit?

●What is the CSFET-based Family Nurse Consultation Unit?

The Family Nurse Consultation Unit began operation in 2017. Professor Naohiro Hohashi, who has been active on the front lines of family nursing studies worldwide, has been overseeing the providing of high-level support to families based on the Concentric Sphere Family Environment Theory (CSFET) that he developed and put into practice.

We nursing professionals, guided by the CSFET, together with the family, utilize a variety of tools to work toward resolving problems or difficulties that cause distress in families, thereby promoting family happiness and family functioning.

●What can CSFET-trained nurses do when providing family consultations?

The university instructors and graduate students, who hold certifications as nurse, certified advanced specialist in family support and others, operate the unit. Two individuals take responsibility to listen to your family's difficulties. Please be assured that all consultations will be held in complete confidence from outsiders.

In situations involving such problems as abuse against children or the elderly, or problems related to life or anti-social behavior, the unit can also arrange for introductions to specialists in a wide range of professional fields.